Get the right details for every request

Create custom Task Forms to ask the right question to your client when they submit a new request. No more back-n-forth or vague task requests.

100% TrustPilot rating
1k+ Teams
10x Easier to use

Trusted around the world from freelancers to large enterprises

Click on the logo. They're real customers.

More clarity and less back-n-forth

No more back-n-forth because your client didn't give you all the details you need to finish a task request.

6+ Question types

Ask text inputs, multiple choice, and file uploads to get the details you need and understand your clients faster.

Make it service specific

Assign task forms to specific services so clients only see relevant forms, keeping everything organized when they submit requests.

Automate task assigning

Automatically assign tasks to teammates by selecting who will handle each form when it's submitted.

Ask the right question in the right format

You have different services with different questions, that's why on Queue you can ask multiple types of questions so you can get the full picture on the first request. No more back-n-forth and instead more clarity on each request.

Upload file
Scalable task management for agencies

Enjoy collaboration on tasks with your team and client on one task board without compromising privacy and experience.

Assign tasks to teammates

Automate assigning tasks to teammates or manually assign them to whoever is free.


Create sub-tasks to keep the main task organized with todo's for your team.

Share files for review

Upload any type of file directly to a task for review. No more Google Drive or Dropbox links!

Schedule tasks to be recurring

Create recurring task templates that'll auto generate on whatever schedule you give it. Automating another tedious process.

Privacy mode for teammates

Invite your teammates on privacy mode so they can't leave public comments to clients or view any sensitive information.

Your clients deserve a better experience.

We're in the game of helping your clients have the best experience possible. From paying to submitting requests to referring you to new clients.


Higher retention


Faster task completion


More referrals

Here's what our customers say on TrustPilot

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Frank Carter
Mar 8, 2023

This product has greatly simplified the process, making it much more efficient. Its user-friendly interface and automated reminders guarantee that nothing is overlooked, resulting in a streamlined experience. We are extremely pleased with this platform!

Hoping they release the desktop app for screenshooting quick updates like they promised! Other than that, it’s a useful product if you have clients who wants to give a lot of feedback AFTER the deadline. Just turn on the deadline feature and it’ll block them from commenting and let them know why.

Mar 5, 2023
Patricia Mills
Mar 4, 2023

I really enjoy using this platform since it enables clients to suggest website edits effortlessly. In the past, we used Markup, but it didn't have the features of setting deadlines and automatic reminders. This new platform is extremely easy for both our team and clients to utilize!

The installation process is extremely easy, without any complicated setup or need to modify our codebase. It has proven to be a successful experience both internally and with our customers.

Jekel Debid
Mar 5, 2023
Muhammad Asif
Mar 3, 2023

Queue has provided us with a valuable tool that streamlines the feedback and editing process. This tool is user-friendly & accessible even for non-technical clients.

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