Track time worked and profitability

Let your team track their time on each task they work on and track your profitability per client.

100% TrustPilot rating
1k+ Teams
10x Easier to use

Trusted around the world from freelancers to large enterprises

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Track time and cost in one place

Track the time you or your teammates worked on by tasks. Add how much each teammate makes per hour to calculate how profitable you are for each client without any complicated setup.

Built-in time tracking

Track your teams cost

Know if you're profitable

Track time worked on tasks

Select a task and start the timer. It's easy as that to track how long you or your teammates have worked on a task.

All timesheets are hidden from collaborators/freelancers and only viewable by the workspace members.

Task based

Timers are task based, so you know exactly what they worked on.

Automated or manual

Forgot to turn timer on? You can submit timesheets manually too.

Track your teams cost

Tell us how much you're paying your team and we'll automatically tell you how much they're costing per client.

Each teammates hourly rate is hidden from them and is only viewable by the workspace members.

Hourly rates

Add their hourly rate and we'll do the math for you.

Project based

Each client will have their own project where we'll show you your profitability.

Know each projects profitability level

We'll crunch the numbers and let you know exactly how much you've spent on your team and how much you've made from your client.

The value of having your clients pay and track hours your team worked allows us to show you these insightful data with ease. Viewable only by workspace members.

Here's what our customers say on TrustPilot

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Frank Carter
Mar 8, 2023

This product has greatly simplified the process, making it much more efficient. Its user-friendly interface and automated reminders guarantee that nothing is overlooked, resulting in a streamlined experience. We are extremely pleased with this platform!

Hoping they release the desktop app for screenshooting quick updates like they promised! Other than that, it’s a useful product if you have clients who wants to give a lot of feedback AFTER the deadline. Just turn on the deadline feature and it’ll block them from commenting and let them know why.

Mar 5, 2023
Patricia Mills
Mar 4, 2023

I really enjoy using this platform since it enables clients to suggest website edits effortlessly. In the past, we used Markup, but it didn't have the features of setting deadlines and automatic reminders. This new platform is extremely easy for both our team and clients to utilize!

The installation process is extremely easy, without any complicated setup or need to modify our codebase. It has proven to be a successful experience both internally and with our customers.

Jekel Debid
Mar 5, 2023
Muhammad Asif
Mar 3, 2023

Queue has provided us with a valuable tool that streamlines the feedback and editing process. This tool is user-friendly & accessible even for non-technical clients.

All reviews are verified as real people by